Hi, it’s Timbo here.
It was a pleasure sharing some content marketing gems with you over in Dubai recently.
As promised, here’s my slide deck.
Please feel free to download it and share it with your team.
If you’d like to share it with anyone else, please send me a request.
I’ll most likely say absolutely!, but I like to keep track of where the information goes.
And if there’s any particular area you’d like expanded on, also feel free to let me know. I can always address it in an upcoming episode of my marketing podcast.
Quite a number of you approached me following my session asking if there was the opportunity to work 1-on-1 with me.
Right now, it’s not something I do, however, I am in the process of putting together a coaching package for advisers aimed at bringing the topics covered in my session to life in your business. I will work with a limited number at a time, and the outcomes will be fully implemented solutions.
If you’re interested, then please feel free to email me.
I’d also suggest you enter the Marketing Makeover which mark Vilo eluded to at the end of my session. I’m the prize!
Cheers for now …
Host of Australia’s #1 marketing show.