Logos, marketing & stirring up the mix.

Logos – they’re a crucial part of your marketing strategy, aren’t they?  Err, actually – if you truly believe that then you really ought to take a step back and think again.

Because whilst many so-called ‘marketing experts’ will happily take mucho dollars off your hands to design you the perfect logo, do you honestly think that it is really the be all and end all of your business?

The thing is, the key thing to understand about marketing your small business is not to become so focused on one thing that you forget to worry about everything else.

And even if your marketing strategy is working, you should never, ever just sit back and congratulate yourself on how well things are going.  Because marketing your small business is a living, breathing, dynamic entity – and for that simple fact it needs feeding, tweaking and stirring around to keep it working.

Hey – we know that it takes a brave person to change something that’s ticking along okay.  But – and you should think about this very carefully – how do you know that your advertising and promotions are bringing you in the best sales possible unless you experiment?

Well then, isn’t that a question that’s sure to strike fear into the heart of any small business person…

But one thing that the savvy entrepreneur needs to realise, is that stirring up the mix is simply the only way of finding out the answer.  And that’s a key learning point that all small business owners need to come to terms with when it comes to marketing their business.

So, what you need to do is take a good hard look at the ways you market your business, and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is there any way you can actually measure how well certain marketing strategies that you have in place are actually doing?
  • If so, are they performing in way that you need them to?
  • Could that performance be better?
  • Is each and every dollar you’re spending on your traditional marketing working as hard as it possibly can?
  • Could that money be better spent elsewhere?

These are questions that you need to be asking on a regular basis.  Because consumers, their needs and their habits change.  And what might have worked last year, or even last month, might not be working now.

It’s a tough call, but something that you simply have to get to grips with if you seriously want your business to grow.  And hey – if you make a mistake, you simply backtrack and put that mistake right.

So, although it might seem like a crazy move – changing what might currently be a winning formula – it’s one of the most necessary things any small business owner simply has to come to terms with.

Adapt and survive – it’s the only way forward.  And failure to do so is one of the biggest pitfalls that’s killed many a small business stone dead.  Don’t let that be true for you…

** This is just one of the many observations we made in an interview we did with John, the Founder of Wicked Campers. You can listen to the whole Wicked Campers marketing interview here. **

5 thoughts on “Logos, marketing & stirring up the mix.”

  1. At last… people that understand that marketing is more than just having a fancy logo on some fancy letterheads that accompany a shiny brochure (that no-one reads)…

    I’ve been listening to your podcast guys as well. Keep up the awesome work.

  2. At last… people that understand that marketing is more than just having a fancy logo on some fancy letterheads that accompany a shiny brochure (that no-one reads)…

    I’ve been listening to your podcast guys as well. Keep up the awesome work.

  3. Hi, this an interesting article. The topic discussed in the article is very appealing. Keep up the good work. Will check back later for more of your articles.

  4. Hi, this an interesting article. The topic discussed in the article is very appealing. Keep up the good work. Will check back later for more of your articles.

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Marketing Wake Up Calls

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