4 smart marketing ideas grew this niche business exponentially | #512

4 smart marketing ideas grew this niche business exponentially | #512

Are you ready for 4 smart marketing ideas to grow a niche business? I mean, who doesn’t love a clever marketing idea. But when four come along in the one interview, it’s time to get excited! Colin Fragar of The Council Approval Experts shares how he’s grown his small, niche town planning business through some very smart marketing. Wait until you get to the bit about the Trust Box … pure marketing genius!


A little more about The Council Approval Experts’ Colin Fragar 

Colin Fragar purchased his first property when he was 19. By the time he’d finished his 4-year Law degree he’d created a portfolio of 13 properties, and decided to follow his dream of becoming a full-time property investor and entrepreneur.

After some interesting ups and downs, including selling up almost everything and moving to Africa, and a house fire that nearly crippled his business, Colin is now the founder of The Council Approval Experts, a town-planning firm focussed on helping ordinary people like you and I navigate the council approval process. His business has thousands of clients, 25 staff and has so far helped over 5,000 home-owners get council approval.

We cover plenty of ground including why he books consults rather than taking anyone’s call, how Trust Boxes have increased conversion by 600%, the power of a Magalogue and why he avoids having his technical people do the selling.

We kicked things off with Colin explaining how he’d amassed such a big property portfolio by the time he’d finished university.


smart niche marketing ideas


Timbo’s Top 3 Attention Grabbers

  1. I love how Colin obsesses around being well-informed in order to make the right decisions. I think his exact words were “Be obsessed, get educated.”
  2. I love how Colin stopped taking new enquiries on-the-run, but instead opted for booked-in consultations with sales people, not technical experts. As he said, the technicians give away way too much, whereas the sales person works hard to understand the prospects dreams and fears,and then provide a more tailored solution.
  3. I love the Trust Box his team send out to a prospect. And I particularly love the magalogue idea. When so much of our lives and our marketing is spent online, it’s refreshing (and a great point-of-difference) to see some old-school ideas working so well. I think he said the Trust Box increased conversion by a lazy 600%!


Monster Prize Draw winner

 Aussie expat Katrina Wilton of FlyScreens.ae


Thanks for tuning in. Now get out there and take action.



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