kylie minogue

#128 Trying to get a date with Kylie has its (business) rewards!

Brighton-based business executive and fellow marketer, John Dingeldei wants a date with Kylie Minogue. Who doesn’t! In fact, Dannii would be just fine!

However, unlike my perverted reasons for wanting one, John’s are pure – he’s raising money for a number of charities as part of a campaign called 5 Dates In 5 Weeks.

He’s already knocked off his first four dates (so to speak!) and has now set his sights on a little tait de tait with one of the most well known women in the Western world. Good on him, I say!

John approached me via email, asking if I could help him get this fifth, albeit very challenging, date. Now whilst I don’t know Kylie, I’m reckoning that the six degrees of seperation law that applies to us all will reveal that one of my listeners will have access to her and make it happen. Enjoy and let’s see if we can make it happen.

#128 Trying to get a date with Kylie has its (business) rewards! Read More »

video marketing

#127 Video marketing made easy with Wistia’s Chris Savage.

Chris Savage is the Co-Founder & CEO of Wistia – a smart and simple video marketing and hosting service.

His Twitter profile outlines his obsessions as: marketing, analytics, IPAs, coffee, and ping pong.

But what he’s known for is his passion for video marketing . as he says “Every business that I have seen that has invested in video, has done better for it.”

In this episode of TheSmall Business Big Marketing Show, I ask Chris why the small business owner should invest in video & how to go about creating engaging video that generates seriously strong returns for your small business.

#127 Video marketing made easy with Wistia’s Chris Savage. Read More »