Is there any difference in a domain name registered with one company over another? What differentiates service providers other than price?

Is there any difference in a domain name registered with one company over another? What differentiates service providers other than price?

Thanks to Mick Cullen of Redcliffe Marketing Labs for this great online marketing question. I trust the answer below provided by an online marketing expert at Netregistry brings you closer to getting your online marketing sorted!


When buying a domain name the domain registrars basically provide you with a platform which varies from providers to providers. It is most common for most businesses to go with the domain registrar that has the cheapest domain price, but you need to look at some of the factors as well:

  1. Type of the control panel offered by registrars to manage your domain.
  2.  Quality of customer service.
  3. Internal processes of domain registrars to implement changes ( delegation, transfers).
  4. Additional features offered like free redirection, free email addresses.
  5. It makes more sense to go to a company which offers a one stop solution ( Domains + email hosting + web design + web hosting ) then you have a single point of contact where all your services are in one place.

2 thoughts on “Is there any difference in a domain name registered with one company over another? What differentiates service providers other than price?”

  1. Funnily enough, 1, 2 & 4 were exactly the reasons I dumped NR last year and went elsewhere.

  2. Netregistry Pty Ltd

    Hi Michael, We appreciate your feedback. The answer given to this question are factors that should be taken into consideration when comparing all registrars – they do not necessarily specifically relate to or promote what Netregistry has to offer. Every domain registrar has different prices for domain registration and you need to consider the value of that cost, ie. what does the registration include?

    Also, we always welcome feedback regarding our control panel which we recently revamped and improved based on customer feedback and we are continually improving our customer service training to provide better support. If you do have any other feedback you would like to provide us about your experience with Netregistry or how we can better improve please feel free to email us directly at

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