284 – Foundr Magazine’s Nathan Chan takes us behind-the-scenes of his burgeoning online magazine empire

284 – Foundr Magazine’s Nathan Chan takes us behind-the-scenes of his burgeoning online magazine empire

Foundr Magazine’s Nathan Chan has hustled his way to a community of over one million peeps (yeah, one million), including almost 500,000 Instagram followers, and interviews with the likes of Tony Robbins, Ariana Huffington and Seth Godin (yeah, whatever ;0) Join me as we go behind-the-scenes of this burgeoning little online magazine empire.

Nathan is the Publisher & Editor of Foundr Magazine, a digital magazine for young entrepreneurs on the App Store & Google Play store. He launched Foundr in March 2013 from his bedroom and very quickly it became a top 10 ranked ‘Business & Investing Magazine’.

Runner up for Publisher of the Year for 2015 in the Digital Magazine awards; he has had the pleasure of interviewing some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs around the world namely Sir Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, Tim Ferris, Tony Robbins & Seth Godin.

I met Nathan at a conference we both spoke at recently. He’s a very unassuming guy, could possibly still get asked for ID at clubs (don’t tell him I said that ;0) … but most importantly, he’s a real hustler who’s very good at getting what he wants and making things happen.

In this fireside chat Nathan shares:

  • Foundr Magazine was … well …. founded
  • Marketing strategies that have produced exceptional results
  • How he built a following of 443,000 Instagram followers
  • Plus how he goes about snagging some amazing interviews

In today’s episode of Australia’s best marketing podcast, I started off by asking Nathan … what’s the scariest thing he’s ever done?



00:34  Welcome & overview
03:10  Today’s guest introduction – Nathan Chan
04:35  Interview with Nathan Chan – Part 1
18:55  Insights in to 99Designs & Netregistry
21:00  Interview with Nathan Chan – Part 2
52:45  My top 3 marketing learnings fro my chat with Nathan Chan
55:06  Motivational marketing quote of the week
55:22  Listener question
58:53  Wrap-up and insights in to next week’s guests



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Foundr Magazine’s offical website
Nathan Chan on Twitter
Nathan’s Instagram training course






  1. Consider how you can add social proof to your marketing message – learn how to get media interviews (online and offline) plus testimonials and third-party endorsements.
  2. View any social media channel as a way to get prospects in to your sale’s funnel. (You’ve got a sales funnel, right?).
  3. Nathan’s Instagram formula for getting more followers applies to any social media channel:
    1. Have a clear, consistent theme
    2. Be consistent wit your posting
    3. Work out what’s valuable to your audience
    4. Share for share




    “Small business isn’t for the faint heart. It’s for the brave,
    the patient and the persistent. It’s for the overcomer.
    Long live the overcomer.”





    What was your biggest marketing learning or ah-ha moment from this episode?

    Leave your comment below.

    My guest and I respond to each and every comment.


19 thoughts on “284 – Foundr Magazine’s Nathan Chan takes us behind-the-scenes of his burgeoning online magazine empire”

  1. Timbo please don’t apologise about it being one hour – celebrate it! I miss the old one hour episodes a bit. (You can tell I’m chained to my desk at times).
    Another great episode – well done.

  2. Meindert Van Der Veer

    Hey Timbo and Nathan – really found this episode of the show insightful and inspirational (the 60min format was great and felt it really helped deliver value). Found the tips from Nathan on Instagram great and now a Foundr follower on Instagram as well as having signed up for the “How to Get Your First 10,000 Instagram Followers” Ebook. Looking forward to implementing these when I dip my own toes into the entrepreneur/podcast world soon. Thank guys!

  3. Tony Rogers

    Excellent, interesting and funny show. The 60 minute episode filled my 64 minute commute perfectly!
    I’m @grey2blackphoto on Instagram with 144 (not thousand sadly) followers and generally I receive one new follow a week – this morning I followed @foundr and within the last 6/7 hours I have 6 new followers! I wonder if this is related or merely chance?!

  4. Lindsey Marsh

    Hi Timbo!! I have listened to nearly every single one of your episodes starting from the very beginning and you are my HERO. I know you always tell us to go leave a comment, so today… I am!! I want to start by saying that this episode was absolutely incredible!!! I am a young 28 year old entrepreneur that left the daily grind to follow my passion. As Nathan was saying, I am so motivated every single day that people actually choose to spend their hard earned money with me. From his advice on Instagram, to what 20 somethings want in their career, he was spot on. I actually got a little teary listening, because I believe so much in what he was saying.

    I also wanted to say a huge thank you to you and for all that you do. When I spent months setting up my email marketing, and then you told me “Stop waiting on perfection and just do it.” I went straight home and finished and sent my first email. I love listening to you on my long drives, flights, and runs. You motivate me to keep going, believe in my dreams, and turn them into reality. My business is growing at a rapid pace, and I am enjoying the ride.

    Thanks again!

    Lindsey Marsh
    Sew To Grow

  5. Listened to the show today. Cracking episode. Good on Nathan for doing something substantial, and sharing some practical insights too. Plus fostering entrepreneurial spirit is great.

  6. Lindsey, what a wonderful comment. You’ve made my day ? You’re excused for waiting close to 300 episodes before making contact! Your enthusiasm for being an entrepreneur is infectious and your website is great. No wonder you’re experiencing growth. Well done for no longer letting perfection get in the way of production – that’s a winning formula. Wishing you all the success going forward – and don’t be a stranger any longer ?

  7. The universe always delivers, Tony. You know that! Just like the 60-minute episode did, leaving you four minutes of chill time before work ?

  8. Thanks Steve. I’ve had quite a few listeners say how much they enjoyed the hour episode. Whilst I’d be happy for all eps to be that long, it does depend a lot on the rapport I establish with the guest. I’m getting better at it, but don’t nail it everytime.

  9. Hey @meindertvanderveer:disqus so great to hear you enjoyed the episode!! Hope those Instagram tips help you crush it my man!! Remember it’s all about taking that action 🙂

  10. Hey @disqus_VL0NdyelZK:disqus, glad you enjoyed the episode! As @disqus_byK0gFRx2W:disqus mentioned the universe always does deliver 😉

  11. @lindsey_marsh:disqus so great to hear from you and as @disqus_byK0gFRx2W:disqus said. Wonderful comment. I’m glad I could hit the nail on the head reflecting on where us millennials are at! Keep up the great work!

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