310 – Getting Ex-Crims Jobs Has Proved a Profitable Little Side Hustle For Ron Stefanski of Jobs For Felons

310 – Getting Ex-Crims Jobs Has Proved a Profitable Little Side Hustle For Ron Stefanski of Jobs For Felons

Solving problems in the digital age is just as, if not more important than it ever has been. Ron from JobsForFelonsHub.com runs through how to create an online business and why he created this particular online business. As has been a recurring theme in this show, a strong WHY is so important.


In this fireside chat we dive deep into the specific tactics Ron uses to create an online business that generates passive income including:

  • Ron’s top 3 SEO tips
  • His revenue models for the site
  • The importance of hard (smart) work
  • Using Google analytics to drive content creation
  • The power of a community on Facebook

Plus I talk about 3 podcasts that I’ve been listening to and loving …

  1. Beautiful Anonymous – Chris Gethard
  2. Alec Baldwin – Here’s the Thing
  3. Song Exploder




00:39  Welcome & overview
03:28  Time for a check-in on the week
09:40  Today’s guest introduction – Ron Stefanski of Jobs for Felons Hub
10:51  Interview with Ron Stefanski – Part 1
27:57  Insights in to Netregistry & Key Person Of Influence
29:50  Interview with Ron Stefanski – Part 2
46:19  My top 3 attention grabbers from my chat with Ron Stefanski
47:59  Motivational marketing quote of the week
51:40  Wrap-up and insights in to next week’s guests



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Ron’s official website

Ron’s personal website

Longtail Pro

Why you should consider outsourcing to the Philippines

Episode 308 on how to free up cash and time by outsourcing to the Philippines

Buy Timbo’s new marketing book The Boomerang Effect





  1. Have a side hustle – start something that you’re passionate about and it may just take over whatever you’re doing now.
  2. Build out pages on your websites that are geographically relevant to the different areas you service.
  3. If your website getting decent traffic, then consider adding Google Adsense to create an additional revenue stream.




Malcolm Muggeridge once said …

“Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.”




What was your biggest marketing learning or ah-ha moment from this episode?

Leave your comment below.

My guest and I respond to each and every comment.

11 thoughts on “310 – Getting Ex-Crims Jobs Has Proved a Profitable Little Side Hustle For Ron Stefanski of Jobs For Felons”

  1. Stefan Grun

    Hey Timbo. Yet another great episode – love hearing about social enterprises like this that also make $. Check out this cool example of something similar (but different) here in Australia- YMCAs Bridge Project which creates employment links for young ex offenders here in Australia. Almost zero reoffend when people take an interest in them as people. Amazing results

  2. Jess Chapman

    Do you have a link for Jess’ business that you mentioned? Couldn’t figure out if it was “saw collective” or something else?

  3. Thanks so much for covering this topic. I’m from Canada, but we constantly hear the issues with the US justice system – a system that discourages the incentives society needs to be safe and just – 22% of the world’s prisoners with only 4% of the world’s population and very unbalanced towards the marginalized. Any resources that help overcome this handicap is a blessing to the world. Takeaway – entrepreneurship and good marketing can help solve society’s ills. Thanks.

  4. hey Tim, a good thought-provoking episode, nice to see someone helping people get back on their feet. In a former worklife I helped one of Victoria’s prisoner transition centres help place offenders into environments where they get work experience, so if any of your listeners are willing to support people getting their life back on track they can offer placement opportunities. The offenders are thoroughly screened, well supported by trained staff and want to change their lives. And the organisations/employers also get a lot of support from the centre. If anyone is interested they can contact the Judy Lazarus Transition Centre on
    Phone: 03 9320 7888
    ?Email: JLTC@justice.vic.gov.au http://www.corrections.vic.gov.au/utility/publications+manuals+and+statistics/judy+lazarus+transition+centre+brochure

  5. Thanks Justin, glad to share that contact. In a previous life I played a very small part in helping a young fella get back on his feet whilst still in detention. It was one of the most rewarding things I’d ever done.

  6. Hey Justin!

    Thanks for the appreciation of the project and it’s awesome to see you trying to do the same in the comments here. These individuals need a lot of help!

  7. Yes Dennis, it is a very serious problem here and it’s amazing to me that more isn’t done to help treat/rehabilitate these individuals. I understand the need for punishment due to a crime, but much more should be spent on helping people after the punishment has been served.

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