The Philippines

Tim Reid Philippines Tour

319 – Philippines Outsourcing Tour #2 : Highlights & Learnings from Timbo and Friends.

Have you ever wanted more time? Have you ever wanted to get more done in your business? Do you ever feel like you just need an extra set of hands but can’t justify the cost? Check out these stories from real small business owners who have joined me for the second ‘Freedom Through Outsourcing Tour’ to the Philippines.

319 – Philippines Outsourcing Tour #2 : Highlights & Learnings from Timbo and Friends. Read More »

outsourcing to The Philippines

What’s With The Hate Mail? I’m Only Trying To Ensure Your Business Success, Enjoyment & Longevity.

As many of you may know, I’m a big supporter of Australian businesses outsourcing what they can to The Philippines. And of recent times (the last three weeks), I’ve been promoting this particularly heavily.

As a result of sticking my neck out, I’ve received some hate mail. Well, let’s call it pissed-off mail – hate’s a big word as I often tell my kids. Whatever, not everyone’s happy …

What’s With The Hate Mail? I’m Only Trying To Ensure Your Business Success, Enjoyment & Longevity. Read More »

how to outsource to The Philippines

308 – [Bonus Episode] How To Free Up More Cash & Time In Your Business (AKA How To Outsource To The Philippines)

Finding the time and money to work on your business is hard – particularly in Australia where the costs of running a business can spiral out of control very quickly.

Wages, rent, staffing issues, paperwork plus plus plus – all stop you from building that beautiful business of yours in to the empire it deserves to be.

Well, it doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, let me (and today’s guest – David Warne of Cornerstone Business Solutions) put an end to the struggle immediately.

308 – [Bonus Episode] How To Free Up More Cash & Time In Your Business (AKA How To Outsource To The Philippines) Read More »

Philippines outsourcing tour

268 – Personal insights from my recent Philippines outsourcing tour

Well, I’m back from my Philippines outsourcing tour, and it’s time to share what I learnt.

Joined by five motivated business owners (and fellow SBBMers – you know who you are ;0) it was an absolute eye-opener and mind expander as we visited a variety of outsourcing options and got to understand the various business models available to us.

Yep, it’s another big show. Let’s do it!

268 – Personal insights from my recent Philippines outsourcing tour Read More »

David Warne - how to outsource to The Philippines

254 – How to increase turn over by 21%, reduce wages by 90% … all in 12-months. Boom!

In less than 12-months, David Warne (owner of Sydney Tall Ships) has slashed his wages bill by 90% (and it was a decent sized wages bill), increased turn over by 21%, and is now living the la vita loca in The Philippines. Listen in with an open mind and discover how you can do exactly what David’s done.

254 – How to increase turn over by 21%, reduce wages by 90% … all in 12-months. Boom! Read More »