
When the whole font thing goes horribly wrong.

I’m no designer – I leave the making stuff look pretty business to the experts.

In fact, there are days (most) when I don’t know whether to match my sox with my shoes or pants.

There’s too much riding on the design of things.

Sheep stations in some cases.

I mean, imagine buggering up the design of a M&Ms package.

Like, that could never happen, could it? Find out here …

When the whole font thing goes horribly wrong. Read More »

SBBM #23: Meet Yiying, The Twitter Fail Whale Designer

Imagine being responsible for designing one of the world’s most famous online branding…and being paid less than five bucks for the privilege! Our guest did exactly that… and she’d do it again tomorrow! Meet, Yiying, the designer of Twitter’s Fail Whale… Yiying was a delight to have on the show where she shares: The story

SBBM #23: Meet Yiying, The Twitter Fail Whale Designer Read More »