
Butcher Dario Cecchini

If only more businesses were run like Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini’s | #638

Last month in Tuscany, Italy an eighth generation butcher by the name of Dario Cecchini totally blew my mind, for sooooo many reasons, the least of which is the incredible customer experience he and his team deliver. But trust me, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s a meaty, and slightly teary, episode 638 of The (13 year-old, award-winning) Small Business Big Marketing podcast.

If only more businesses were run like Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini’s | #638 Read More »

Viral TikTok farmer Jake Wolki

Farmer Goes Viral on TikTok with 24/7 Self-Service Butchery Video | #623

Have you seen the viral TikTok video of the young farmer who opened a 24/7 self-service butchery? It’s had almost one million views. And rightly so, as farmer Jake Wolki is an entrepreneur on a mission to get us all eating right … and (in his own words) he doesn’t give two hoots about the customer experience! It’s a go-your-own-way episode 623 of The (13 year-old, award-winning) Small Business Big Marketing podcast.

Farmer Goes Viral on TikTok with 24/7 Self-Service Butchery Video | #623 Read More »