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marketing podcast

282 – Boobs. Yeah, Big Boobs. They’re Why This Business Exists.

“Our business is big boobs!” That’s the opening line from the interview pitch I received from today’s guest. Maxine Windram of Brava Woman. And yes, she got my attention. And yes, the interview contains Dad jokes. But it also is busting with marketing G O L D! See what I did there ;0)

When Maxine and her mum (both full-busted women) launched Brava, a lingerie store for women D cup & up 9 years ago, they had never had a business, never worked in retail or even fitted a bra, but they knew fuller busted women needed a better deal. Today, they have three retail outlets in prominent shopping areas across Melbourne plus a bustling online store.

Yep, this episode of Australia’s best marketing podcast is busting at the seams – so let’s get stuck … right in!

282 – Boobs. Yeah, Big Boobs. They’re Why This Business Exists. Read More »

disruptive marketing ideas

281 – Disruptive marketing ideas rock. And Ben Walker, a 26-year old CPA, is nailing some.

Hey, what kind of business do you reckon this is? It’s got a cafe that’s not open to everyone. The cafe’s got beer taps. It has weekly gatherings of up to 30 people. And you can’t be a client if you can’t use an iPad. No idea? It’s an accounting firm. And a very disruptive one at that! (I do love disruptive marketing ideas!)

CPA Ben Walker opened the doors at Inspire CA three years ago, and from the very start he was determined not to make this any old accounting firm. He wanted it to stand out from the pack, to challenge the conventions of an industry that (some would argue) is trapped back in the 80s.

Listen in to find out what he’s done and how it’s impacted his business.

281 – Disruptive marketing ideas rock. And Ben Walker, a 26-year old CPA, is nailing some. Read More »

Dean Salakas - The Party People - marketing success factors

280 – Australia’s largest party supply retailer shares his top 3 critical marketing success factors

It’s time to party people, ‘cause I’m speaking to the Chief Party Dude from The Party People … who sell a party supply every 9-seconds. [Insert party blower SFX ;-]

Today’s guest is Dean Salakas, owner of the third generation family business and Australia’s largest retailer of party supplies. In this fun and candid fireside chat, Dean shares:

– The pros & cons of running a family business
– What he learnt from being on Shark Tank
– His top 3 critical marketing success factors

Yep, another big episode of Australia’s best marketing podcast. Let’s go!

280 – Australia’s largest party supply retailer shares his top 3 critical marketing success factors Read More »

pop-up store trend

279 – The Pop-Up Store Trend: How to start one and why you should with Nikolina Saric

Hey, what’s got four walls and goes pop!? A pop-up store, of course. And I reckon maybe, just maybe, you should have one!

The pop-up store trend is sweeping the retail landscape so join me as I speak to Melbourne’s pop-up store queen, Nikolina Saric founder of the pop-up store business Build Brand.

Let’s go!

279 – The Pop-Up Store Trend: How to start one and why you should with Nikolina Saric Read More »

Beer Cartel

278 – How A Market Researcher Turned Boutique Beer Retailer Selling 1,100 Craft Beers with Richard Kelsey of Beer Cartel

How’s this. Two market researchers get the taste for beer. Craft beer. So, what did they do? They escape the cubicle and start a business from a self-storage facility. Soon enough they’ve opened up a bottle shop in an industrial estate selling 1,100 types of their favourite beers. Cheers, big ears!

278 – How A Market Researcher Turned Boutique Beer Retailer Selling 1,100 Craft Beers with Richard Kelsey of Beer Cartel Read More »

how to market a bar on Twitter

277 – How To Market A Bar On Twitter With Honey Bar’s Steve Vallas

Hey, I’ve found a business that’s using Twitter effectively. It’s a bar. In fact the owner says “It’s a foundational part of his marketing!” Crazy, huh? And the thing is, he’s not doing anything that special!

Steve Vallas is an ex-lawyer and cab driver who a few years ago decided that world needed another bar. So he left the law and went and started Honey Bar … a very cool, inner-city bar in South Melbourne. And he thanks Twitter for its success.

277 – How To Market A Bar On Twitter With Honey Bar’s Steve Vallas Read More »

content marketing strategy

276 – Brian Hight was awarded the Queen’s Honours for his old-school content marketing strategy

Are you ready for some content marketing strategy genius? Well, how’s this for an idea … Create some unique, quality content that your prospects will love. Then bypass the Internet, and instead, print it on paper and mail  it to those who may one day buy from you. How old school is that! Well, it may be old

276 – Brian Hight was awarded the Queen’s Honours for his old-school content marketing strategy Read More »

eBay success story

275 – How To Run An eBay Business With eBay Master Seller, Paul Nieuwenhuys of Hooked Online & Sinker

eBay’s leading fishing tackle seller shares some marketing gems that have application across all types of business – online and offline. Listen in and you’ll not only discover how to run an eBay business, but be reminded of some basic marketing fundamentals when it comes to sharing your products or services with the world.

Paul Nieuwenhuys launched his eBay store – Hooked Online & Sinker – 5 years ago. Amazingly it was his first step in to eCommerce, and as of today he’s sold close to $3,000,000 of hooks, lines and sinkers!

Listen in. You’ll be hooked ;0)

275 – How To Run An eBay Business With eBay Master Seller, Paul Nieuwenhuys of Hooked Online & Sinker Read More »

FKN Gym Wear

274 – FKN Gym Wear founder Ben London on how he built a million dollar brand from his bedroom

Hey, today’s guest started his million dollar clothing business out of his bedroom. Yep, another one of those stories. Oh, and you know what he called it? FKN Gym Wear! Yeah FKN! I do love a naughty business name. And he’s successfully using Snap Chat to get the word out.

Five years ago, Ben London won a bet with himself and threw away his top-tier sales career within the fitness industry to single-highhandedly solve the ‘fluoro gym wear epidemic’.

Join me as he shares how he’s FKN well done it ;0)

274 – FKN Gym Wear founder Ben London on how he built a million dollar brand from his bedroom Read More »

how to build your profile

273 – How to build your profile through earned media coverage with Sam Elam of Media Manoeuvres

I reckon it’s time you built your profile. Yeah, you. The motivated business owner. I want to see you and your business get some earned media coverage. Are you keen? Excellent. Then let me show you how to build your profile.

Join me as I chat with Sam Elam, founder of Media Manoeuvres, a business that is laser-focussed on getting their clients front page coverage, radio interviews, appearances on TV programs or features in influential blogs and podcasts … yeah, podcast ;0)

273 – How to build your profile through earned media coverage with Sam Elam of Media Manoeuvres Read More »