
Gerry Ryan

189 – Insights in to success with gazillionaire business owner, Jayco’s Gerry Ryan.

Gerry Ryan is not just a business owner. He is a bonafide *gazillionaire* who has successfully built the most successful caravan manufacturing company in Australia and New Zealand, Jayco – completely from scratch. On top of this, he has produced major theatre productions, launched a successful property development business, and even part owns a Melbourne Cup winning horse. Gerry shares his secrets to success in this latest episode…

189 – Insights in to success with gazillionaire business owner, Jayco’s Gerry Ryan. Read More »

Leigh Storr Bio Solar - door to door sales

188 – This multi-million dollar business relies 100% on door to door sales, with BioSolar’s Leigh Storr.

At the age of 31, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Leigh Storr, the founder of a solar panel installation company, BioSolar, is just starting out in the world of entrepreneurship and small business. In fact, this week’s interviewee has been identifying lucrative business opportunities from the age of just 14.

His latest venture, BioSolar, has one important difference – it uses 100% door-to-door sales and marketing. Leigh really demonstrates that your business doesn’t have to fit the typical mould and with a little outside-the-box thinking, you can create a small business that makes a big impact. Let’s get into it!

188 – This multi-million dollar business relies 100% on door to door sales, with BioSolar’s Leigh Storr. Read More »

Rozibaby on Small Business Big Marketing - Customising your offer

187 – How customising your offer can grow your business, with Rozibaby’s Tahir Baig

In my chat with Tahir Baig, co-founder of customisable prams retailer Rozibaby, he reveals how he overcame his risk-averse nature to become a successful start-up business founder, how customisation has allowed Rozibaby to own a playful and exciting point of difference, and just how important publicity (including a nail biting TV audition) has been for Rozibaby right from its launch.

I also announce the winner of the Cactus Skincare competition and share some great news from inside the Small Business Big Marketing Forum. Listen up …

187 – How customising your offer can grow your business, with Rozibaby’s Tahir Baig Read More »

miss chu - brand building

186 – Stand out by building a strong brand, with tuck shop owner Miss Chu.

Every business has a story, but how often does a business idea emerge from escaping a dictatorship and surviving a refugee camp? That’s exactly what happened when Nahji Chu launched her Vietnamese tuck shops back in 2008. But this week’s podcast is no pity party. In fact, my chat with Nahji perfectly showcases how she injected her fun spirit and passion for Vietnamese culture into misschu, creating a fast food business that breaks the mould. Listen up …

186 – Stand out by building a strong brand, with tuck shop owner Miss Chu. Read More »

business growth

185 – Proof that changing who you are can positively impact business growth.

Cactus Skincare’s Ryan Clark wasn’t tight with the in crowd at school. But things changed once he decided to assist his mum relaunch her fledgling skincare brand. He sought training in body language, speech therapy and socialite (yep socialite) psychology; started to attend all the right events and managed to seed some of the most beautiful women in Australia. That last bit sounds wrong, but it’s exactly what he did! Listen up …

185 – Proof that changing who you are can positively impact business growth. Read More »

andy sheats health - one word domain name

A $60M business in two-years thanks to a one word domain name. is the first health insurance company to enter the Australian market in more than 36 years. I chat with this start-up’s founder and CEO Andy Sheats about how his team built a $60M business in the space of two years. Andy reveals the importance of naming and branding for your business, hiring staff who can empathise with your customers, and how to cut through in a crowded market.

Plus, I answer a listener question from a mindfulness therapist on how NOT to sound like a schmuck when talking about what your business does. Listen up!

A $60M business in two-years thanks to a one word domain name. Read More »

Listen in on a private marketing consultation I had with a listener recently.

Ever wondered what happens in a high level, private, one on one marketing consultation? Here’s your chance to be a fly on the wall as I conduct a one-on-one session with Skye, a small business founder from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe who needs some help putting her ideas into action.

Listen in on a private consulting session with Skye as she talks about her challenges, and hear me provide advice to Skye on her questions about brand visibility, how to create a lasting brand, and how to connect with clients.

Plus find out how you can keep tabs on Skye’s progress in the future, and hear about my big goal for 2014.

Listen in on a private marketing consultation I had with a listener recently. Read More »

#92 Rip Curl founder, Bryan Singer on how to build a global surf brand.

Bryan Singer co-founded Rip Curl in the 1960s and today it’s one of the worlds most iconic surf brands. In this revealing interview Bryan takes us deep inside the Rip Curl tent where he shares how he started the business, where the name came from, how they managed extreme growth, and how at one point, they were looking down the barrel of Rip Curl existing no more.

Oh, and the quote of the interview? When asked how Rip Curl began, Bryan responds …

“We were just looking for a quid to fund our next surfing holiday.”

#92 Rip Curl founder, Bryan Singer on how to build a global surf brand. Read More »